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Helping Others – Parshas Shemos 5769

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
January 14th, 2009
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ותקרא שמו משה ותאמר כי מן המים משיתיהו (ב:י).

“…and she called his name Moshe stating, ‘on account that I drew him from the water’” (2:10).

When one analyses the name of Moshe Rabbeinu, there are many interesting insights and revelations that may be gleaned.

The Maharsha (end of Chullin) is bothered by the following question. If Basya was trying to call this child whom she had drawn out of the water with a name expressing that event, then his name should have been Nimsha or Masoy, the drawn out person. Why call him Moshe which translates as “he will draw others?”

He explains that Moshe’s name refers to the fact that in the future he would be involved in saving and bringing out the Jewish people from Egypt. Thus his name in fact does refer to drawing others out! However, this explanation seems to be contradicted by the very verse itself! It says that her justification for the name was because “she drew him out!?”

The Seforno ties everything together by adding vital clarification in how to read our verse. Basya called him Moshe because she recognized that Hashem had guided her to draw him out, in order that he should live on and dedicate his life to saving others. Divine Providence allowed him to be saved, to perform the special task of caring for others. Now everything is well understood!

This is the purpose of life and in this merit one can save one’s own life. We are here to help others and to focus on how we can make other people comfortable and happy. We strive to be sensitive and caring to other people’s needs.

R’ Yitzchok Volozhin (Introduction to Nefesh HaChaim) writes that his illustrious father R’ Chaim Volozhin constantly taught him to be sensitive to the pain and needs of others in order to help them. He would say, “this is what man is all about, he wasn’t created solely to focus on himself. You should dedicate yourself to assisting others to your full ability!”

There are many resources that we possess which we can share with others. Whether it’s time, assistance, support and encouragement, or just a smile or a good word, they are all unimaginably helpful.

The Binah LeItim explains the words in Avos, “If you have Torah knowledge which you have acquired, Al Tachzik Tova L’Aztmecha, (the simple meaning is “do not take credit for it”, for it is from Hashem) don’t keep this precious commodity to yourself, rather share it with others!”

This is the message of Moshe. The epitome of a Jew and of proper living is a focus on pulling others out of troubles and sadness and helping the world become a more pleasant and happy place to live.


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