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Moshe in the Torah

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
January 18th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Moshe in the Torah

How many times does it say “Moshe” in the Torah (Chamishah Chumshey Torah)?

Yesterday’s Question: The Great Song

How many songs are recorded in Perek Shira and what is the significance of this number?

Our Answer:

Perek Shira contains 85 songs. This number in Hebrew is Peh and means “open mouth.”

There are three general approaches as to how the delineated animals sing their songs. One mystical source states that the Administering Angel of each animal sings its’ appropriate verse before God. Another source says that the animals themselves sing their songs, in some way. And the third approach is that we humans, upon seeing and contemplating these animal’s qualities are inspirited to give these praises to Hashem!

A question is asked as to why man is not found in the list? One answer is that indeed this is not necessary for he is the one who is singing every one of the songs! Man’s job is to appreciate the beautiful world that Hashem created for him. Nature provides us with an appreciation and awe of Hashem’s beautiful and enjoyable designs. Thus the 85, Peh, songs emanate from the mouth of us humans who are inspired by Hashem’s greatness and thus open our mouths and sing to Him! In conclusion, the significance of the word Peh is that it connotes Song to Hashem!


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