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Unique Sin

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
January 19th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Unique Sin

Which sin is punished by death but in some cases by doing it multiple times you will no longer be punishable by the Earthly Court?

Yesterday’s Question: Moshe in the Torah

How many times does it say “Moshe” in the Torah (Chamishah Chumshey Torah)?

Our Answer:

The exact word Moshe without any prefixes appears in the Torah 614 times.
They asked R’ Chaim Kanievsky this question and he answered 614. They told him that he was wrong and off by two as they had found 616!
He laughed and asked them if they used a computer program to find their answer! “Indeed we did,” they admitted, “but how did Rebbi know?!”
His response is perhaps the most amazing part of the story: “Because there are 2 times that the Torah uses a word that is comprised of the same letters as “Moshe” but in fact has a totally different meaning! A computer cannot differentiate! The 2 places are Shimos 12:4, “Im yimat habayis mihiyos me’seh…”, and Devarim 15:2, “Shamot kol baal masheh yado…”!

Thus we have shown how one of our Gedoley HaDor is smarter than a computer! (In case you had any doubt!)


Categories: The Daily Question Tags: ,

  1. Jason
    January 20th, 2009 at 12:50 | #1

    In one place, I believe it says, “Moshe, Moshe…” If you count that as one “occurrence”, then the name Moshe appears 613 times! :D

    Reply to Jason

  2. Chaim S
    June 30th, 2013 at 10:57 | #2

    This is amazing! My brother just told me this story so I googled it ;)

    Reply to Chaim S

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