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Gan Eden Alive

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
June 17th, 2009
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This Week’s Question: Gan Eden Alive

Who are people whom Chazal tell us entered Gan Eden while still alive?

Last Week’s Question: The Flood

At the end of the Great Flood, how many people walked off of Noach’s Ark?

Our Answer:

This really isn’t a trick question, but here are the three answers.

Originally, Noach, his three sons and their wives entered the Ark, totaling eight people.

1- However, Chazal (Beraishis Rabbah 36:7) tell us that although prohibited to procreate while on board, Cham’s wife became pregnant and gave birth to Canaan on the Ark. Thus, nine people exited the Ark at the end.

2- According to another Midrash (Beraishis Rabbah 30:6), Noach was maimed by a lion for delaying his meal time. He limped the rest of his life and thus did not “walk off of the Ark”, but rather, limped his way down. Hence, if we follow other sources which disagree with the first Midrash, we may say that only seven people “walked” off of the Ark, while one limped!

3- Chazal (Zevachim 113b) tell us that the giant named Og held onto the Ark from the outside to survive the Flood. Hence, he must be counted as well as one who “walked off of the Ark” aside for the eight or nine others inside the Ark!


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