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Bris Trivia

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
July 22nd, 2009
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This Week’s Question: Bris Trivia

How is it possible to have two twin brothers who were born on THE SAME DAY and were both healthy, yet they had their Bris, circumcision, on two different days as dictated by Torah law?

Last Week’s Question: Timely Delivery

In the Shlah HaKadosh’s prayer for finding a mate, he states that we pray that our match should come, “b’ito u’vzmano”. What is the difference between the two words, ase and zman?

Our Answer:

See Koheles (3:1). “There is a time for everything, and a time for everything wanted under the sun”. This is the source for the usage of these two words.

The word “zman” means set allotted time. The word “ase” comes from the word, “atah, now”. It refers to an earlier time. Hence, this is hinted on the verse itself which says that there is an “ase lchol chaifetz”. It stresses that the word “ase” refers to something that is desired and longed for. Everyone wants good things as fast as possible. May Hashem answer all of us!


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