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Shofar in Elul

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
August 26th, 2009
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This Week’s Question:

Why do we blow the Shofar in Elul?

Last Week’s Question: Only Yahrtziet in Torah

Who is the only person whose date of death (Yahrtziet) is mentioned explicitly in the Torah? Why is this so?

Our Answer:

See Bamidbar 33:38. The only explicit date of death mentioned on the Torah is that of Aharon HaCohen. He passed away on the first day of the month of Av.

The significance may be that Av is the month of many Jewish tragedies and calamities, including Tisha B’Av. Chazal tell us that wrongful hate of our brethren causes much bad to our nation. Aharon  embodied the trait of “loving others and pursuing peace”. Hence, Hashem informs us of his death specifically on the first day of Av, so that we can take in his life’s message.


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