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Life or Death? – A Short Thought on Parshas Chayei Sarah 5770

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
November 11th, 2009
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It is interesting to note the title of the Parsha. Whereas the entire opening theme discusses a burial plot for the deceased Sarah, the title focuses on her life?! What is the explanation?

The Midrash (Esther Rabbah 1:8) tells us that Rebbe Akiva was lecturing one day and found his students to be dozing off. Wanting to stir their attention, he asked, “why did Queen Esther merit to rule 127 countries? It was because her great grandmother Sarah, lived 127 years”! What is the connection here?

I believe that Rebbe Akiva wished to instill in his students a powerful appreciation of utilizing every moment of life. It was only because Sarah lived her life to its fullest, that her granddaughter Esther gained that inspiration and thus merited to rule 127 countries as well.

Sarah’s death marked a completion to a life lived to its fullest. That is why the Parsha that describes her burial is given a title to reveal the essence of her life. She lived most productively.


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