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Personal Emunah – Parshas Lech Lecha 5771

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
October 11th, 2010
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This entry is part 3 of 40 in the series Torah Sweets Volume 3

The fascinating construct of the first Berachah of Shmoneh Esrey is found in our Parsha as a reward for Avram following Hashem. Rashi brings down Chazal’s words on Bereishis (12:2-3) in which Hashem expresses to Avraham that he will be mentioned in Shmoneh Esrey: ‘I will make you into a great nation’ refers to the words, “the God of Avraham,” ‘I will bless you’ refers to “the God of Yitzchok,” I will make your name great’ refers to “the God of Yaakov;” but only Avraham’s name alone will conclude the blessing. ‘You will be a blessing’ shows that your name only will grace the end of the first Beracha, ‘the protector of Avraham.’

The Eitz Yosef points out the dichotomy found in the first Beracha of Shmoneh Esrey. First we call Hashem, “our God” and then we call Him, “the God of our fathers” and enumerate the three patriarchs. To explain this he quotes from the Chovos HaLevavos who states that there are two primary obligations of gaining knowledge of Hashem. One is through the Mesorah, tradition, and one is through one’s own search and personal efforts. Each on its own can lead one to true Emunah, but both avenues together are the ultimate achievement of connection to Hashem.

The first words of Shmoneh Esrey summarize this quest. We mention our belief in Hashem based on both (1) our forefather’s tradition and (2) our own connection.

In fact, the question can be asked as to why the first words of Shmoney Esrey contain extra wording, “the God of Avraham, the God of Yitzchok and the God of Yaakov.” Why not simply state, “the God of Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov?!” The answer is precisely in order to stress that even in the forefather’s quest for connection to Hashem, they themselves each found Hashem in a personal way and did not just rely on their illustrious father.

The person who had the most difficult task of recognizing truth is Avraham. His parents, siblings and the entire word all served Avodah Zarah. Nevertheless, Avraham saw the compelling evidence of Hashem’s existence and kindness and changed his life accordingly. The first Berachah stresses that Hashem shielded Avraham from his enemies who fought against his monotheistic ideology. Thus, Avraham was granted the honor of having the first Berachah single him out. He epitomized the deep conviction and connection to Hashem in the deepest and most personal way.

Rabbi Shimon Shkop zt”l commented that just as Avraham received the final concluding words of the Berachah, so too, the final concluding challenge of Galus, the exile which we live in, is one of personal faithfulness and connection to Hashem as well. May we merit to recognize Hashem’s powerful presence and kindness in a most personal way.


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