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Will The Real Noach Please Rise – Parshas Noach 5771

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
October 7th, 2010
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This entry is part 2 of 40 in the series Torah Sweets Volume 3

It is clear why the Parsha is named ‘Noach.’ In fact, a reading of the first verse will leave one wondering why his name is mentioned three times in one verse?! “These are the offspring of Noach, Noach was a virtuous and righteous man… Noach followed Hashem (Bereishis 1:9).”

I believe that something very deep and special about Noach’s greatness is being expressed here. The Midrash (Tanchuma) states that each person has three names:

1- The name given to you at birth by your parents.

2- The name which your friends give you.

3- The name that you give yourself.

These three names represent personal integrity.

1- Chazal tell us that each person’s name has an effect on their individual tendencies and capabilities. One who utilizes the name which his parent’s gave him, is seen to be someone that uses life to bring out his strengths.

2- The name that one’s friends give him refers to how people perceive him in his friendships and relationships. Is he sincere, thoughtful, honest and considerate?

3- The name that one gives himself is the most vital. It is the inner essence that embodies all that one truly and deeply stands for and all of the goals which one intimately desires to achieve.

The verse stresses that Noach’s three “names” were congruent and expressed his greatness. Noach was a real person in every facet of his existence. The people of his generation were disconnected from Hashem and in their hearts and had no interest in growth. Noach stood apart from this and maintained his inner resolve.

The name (נח) Noach is comprised of the same letters as (חן) favor in reverse order. The verse tells us that Noach was spared from the flood because he found favor in Hashem’s eyes. Just as a mirror reflects the image inversely, so too Noach’s true essence was a direct reflection of his sterling character which was so favorable (חן) in the eyes of Hashem.

Rabbi Elchonan Wasserman zt”l stated this idea about his revered Rebbe, the Chofetz Chaim. Normally, a country holds their King in high regard, but those that are within the King’s inner circle are more exposed to his weaknesses. Those closely guarding the King know very well about his anger, faults, desires and personal deficiencies. The closer one probes, the more one tends to lose respect. With the true kings, Torah Scholars, it is the exact opposite! Those that we revere from afar, we only know part of his greatness. Rabbi Wasserman stated that the more one knew the Chofetz Chaim, the more one had what to be in awe of. The true name and essence of a great person is their unrelenting internal dedication and truth.

Indeed, Rebbetzin Kutler said about her illustrious husband, Rabbi Aharon Kutler (1891- 1962), that only she, who interacted with him in the privacy of his own home, was aware of his true humility and fear of heaven.

Parshas Noach inspires us to ask: What is my real name?


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