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Good Versus Evil – Letter Daled – Part 1 – The Aishes Chayil Style

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
December 28th, 2010
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This entry is part 14 of 14 in the series The Aishes Chayil Style

דרשה צמר ופשתים ותעש בחפץ כפיה.

“She seeks wool and flax; her hands work willingly.”

The two materials mentioned here are wool and linen. Putting them together equals the prohibition of Shatnes. Why is this found here?

The commentators explain that the origin of the prohibition of Shatnes emanates from the first murder in the world that ever occurred. Kayin worked the fields and offered a sacrifice to Hashem from his inferior flax. Hashem did not accept it as it was disrespectful. Hevel tended to the sheep and when he offered his most superior lamb to Hashem it was sincere and thus accepted. Kayin grew jealous, fought with Hevel, and ended up murdering him. The two materials of this episode were wool and flax. Thus, we keep the materials separate for placing them together reminds Hashem of the very first murder.

The Aishes Chayil knows that her home must stay protected from the evil influences of the outside world. She thus works hard to teach her children how to filter what is good versus what is falsehood. Just as Shatnes means separating Kayin (evil) from Hevel (good), so too the Aishes Chayil teaches her family to differentiate between what is right and wrong.

Another skill that she possesses is the knowledge of differentiating between the different needs of her family members. She is sensitive to their styles of learning, communication, love, and how to work with them. She knows that every person works and thinks differently and she patiently accommodates for that.

Another aspect mentioned here is that she works willingly. The Aishes Chayil is excited to do her charge; she enthusiastically pursues her responsibilities. This enthusiasm is what places her a cut above the rest. Her excitement for life and love of kindness is contagious. Her positive attitude sets the tone in her home, inspiring her family with a passion for life and the peace of mind to enjoy life’s precious moments.


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