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Tears of Joy – Parshas Vayigash 5771

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
December 9th, 2010
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This entry is part 11 of 40 in the series Torah Sweets Volume 3

When Yosef revealed himself to his brothers he fell upon Binyomin’s shoulder and they both wept (Bereishis 45:14). The Gemara (Megillah 16b) tells us that Yosef cried about the two Batei Mikdashim structures that would be in Binyomin’s lot but would be destroyed. Binyomin cried about the Mishkan of Shiloh that would be in Yosef’s land but would be destroyed (according to Chazal it was actually hidden away). It has always bothered me as to why the verse was taken out of its simple meaning, they were crying tears of joy? Secondly, why were they crying about this now? Thirdly, they each should have cried for their own destroyed Temple and not that of the other’s?

Rabbi Shimon Schwab (1908- 1995) zt”l quotes the following answer from Rabbi Mordechai   Pogramansky (d. 1946). The verse (Isaiah 25:8) tells us that when Mashiach comes, “Hashem will wipe the tears from all faces.” The Midrash makes a cryptic comment, “even tears of joy.” What does this mean? Aren’t tear of joy good?

He explained allegorically: Why do we cry from happiness? Hashem had a home among us in the Mikdash and we had unlimited blessings. When the Mikdash was destroyed we said Aicha, lamentations, and life was filled with troubles and challenges to the point that one’s happy moments were like islands found in the sea of tears. When one is happy, the joy overflows and thereby pushes out some of the sea’s tears! Thus, in truth it can be said that tears of joy come from the sea of tears of not having Hashem’s Divine Presence with us. This is exactly why Yosef and Binyamin were crying, it was tears of joy; they cried because the family rift had driven Hashem away from them. Yaakov mourned Yosef’s loss for 22 years and Hashem did not appear to him because of his low spirit and the disunity among the brothers. This certainly is a fascinating point;  a unique remez, hint. There is more from another angle.

As we approach Asara B’Teves, it is appropriate to bear in mind that Chazal tell us the Mikdash was destroyed because of Sinas Chinom, unjustified hate of one another. Yosef and Binyamin recognized that they had been separated because of this hate and thus they cried over the hate that threatened to destroy their family and ultimately destroyed the Mikdash. In order to make up for this, they each strived to love and feel the pain of one another. Thus, Yosef cried for Binyomin’s loss and Binyomin cried for his brother’s troubles. The message is that one who opens his heart and loves and accepts others is bringing Hashem and happiness into his life!


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