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Yaakov and Yisrael – Parshas Vayechi 5771

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
December 14th, 2010
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This entry is part 12 of 40 in the series Torah Sweets Volume 3

I have always been intrigued by the interchange between Yaakov’s names. His parents named him “Yaakov”, and when he fought with the angel of Eisav he received the name “Yisrael”. Unlike Avraham and Sarah, whose names were changed and one was then forbidden to refer to them as “Avram” and “Sarai,” Yaakov’s names both remained (Berachos 13a). Two verses in this week’s Parsha scream for an explanation as their inconsistency is perplexing: “Yaakov lived in Egypt… Yisrael’s life drew to an end… (Bereishis 46:28-9).” Pick one name and follow through with it?!

Rabbeinu Bechayeh explains that the name Yaakov relates more to his body and the name Yisrael to his soul. This is why one is still able to use the name Yaakov, for a man needs both his body and soul to live! Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler zt”l (1892-1953)  brings from the Vilna Goan that Yaakov was connected to Rachel and Yisrael was connected to Leah. Rachel is the physical aspect of the world as it says that she was very beautiful and Leah represents spirituality, as it says that “her eyes were soft,” hinting to a freedom from earthly lures. This explains a lot…

Rachel died shortly after Yaakov fought with the angel and had his name changed to Yisrael. The Baal HaTurim points out that only two verses in the entire Chumash begin with the word “V’Einey, the eyes.” “The eyes of Leah were soft… (Bereishis 45:12)” and “The eyes of Yisrael became weakened from old age… (Bereishis 48:10).” The weakening of the eyes represents the fight against following the desires of one’s eyes (the physical world) and instead strengthening Emunah, faithfulness towards Hashem. Leah cried to Hashem to make sure that she would not be subject to marry the evil and hedonistic Eisav. The passionate cry of the Jews is, “Shema Yisrael, Hear Yisrael, Hashem is our God, Hashem is One!” A striving towards spirituality.

Yaakov thought to marry Rachel first and to perfect one aspect at a time. Hashem showed him however that Leah, the focus on spirituality, precedes. From the onset one must strive to have the highest level in mind.

Our original verse tells us a simple thing. Yaakov lived in Egypt and perfected his physical aspect and Yisrael finally completed his spiritual aspect and was thus at the end of his life.


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