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A Meaningful Relationship – Parshas Terumah 5771

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 2nd, 2011
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This entry is part 19 of 40 in the series Torah Sweets Volume 3

In examining the contents that were stored inside the holiest item in the Mishkan, a fascinating observation emerges. The Aron was adorned with two beautiful Kerubim on top representing the relationship and bond between Hashem and Klal Yisrael. When the Jews connected with Hashem, the Kerubim faced one another. When the Jews turned away from Him, the Kerubim reflected this as well. Inside the Aron were three items. Bava Basra (14a) tells us that the Aron contained: A Sefer Torah, the first set of smashed Luchos and the second set of intact Luchos. What is this all about? Why weren’t the first Luchos simply buried or hidden away, why did they have to be placed inside the Aron, especially considering the negative story behind the smashing of the first Luchos?

I believe that this is precisely the point. The Aron was the holiest item in the Mishkan as it represented the bond between Hashem and Klal Yisrael. Just like any healthy relationship, there are ups and there are downs! Klal Yisrael were taken out of Egypt and shown the greatness and love of Hashem. They were brought to Har Sinai to receive the Torah and behold, they served the Eigel HaZahav and turned their backs on Hashem. Chazal compare this sin to a bride being unfaithful while under the Chupa. Yet still despite the great sin and mistreatment of Hashem, when they repented, Hashem embraced the nation and took them back. Hashem promised never to forsake us.

Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe zt”l (1914 – 2005) quotes from the Sefer HaYashar that all people and relationships go through a cycle of “Yimei HaAhava vYimei HaSinah, days of love and days of hate.” This is not a new thing. Life has ups and downs. Rabbi Wolbe points out that one who strengthens himself at the time of challenge and still remains strong to what he knows is truth, achieves tremendous growth in the process. Another point he makes is that one should savor the moments of inspiration and make sure that they will be mentally and emotionally stored away so that they can help carry one through the dark days.

The three items in the Aron show this exact message. The broken Luchos represent the days of hate where things are rough and the feelings may wane. The second set of intact Luchos represent the days of love where the world is bright and full of love. The Sefer Torah represents the force that binds the two. The Torah is the expression of our unwavering bond with Hashem. The power of commitment and total dedication despite all obstacles. This is one of the messages that the contents of the Aron conveys. May we all merit to use this knowledge when developing our friendships and relationships with others!


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