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The Process of Life – Letter Ches – Part 1 – The Aishes Chayil Style

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 17th, 2011
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This entry is part 21 of 22 in the series The Aishes Chayil Style

חגרה בעוז מתניה ותאמץ זרועתיה.

“She girds her loins with strength; she invigorates her arms.”

The Aishes Chayil is a champion par excellence! She finds ways to keep her motivation strong. When she feels that she is waning, she rekindles the inspiration. This is the secret trick of true winners. Everyone starts off with inspiration, but with time the newness dies down. The diet and exercise regime can be kept for a few days, but then the excitement wears off and it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain. Often we want to work on our character traits and we begin to do so, only to feel our inspiration dwindling after a mere few days. The trick is to remain focused and strong. When someone fights through the hard times, he will rekindle the passion, even more powerfully than what was there in the first place. This is because Chazal tell us, “all beginnings are difficult.” Therefore, Hashem gives us a boost when we start something new to jump start us and to allow us to start with a bang! The feelings of excitement should be harnessed and used to their fullest until they are no longer available. The next step is hard work, the process of true internalization and working towards the goal that was set. If one follows this through, he will reach a level of self-fulfillment and satisfaction that surpasses the original feelings of excitement that propelled and empowered the pursuit in the first place.

The Aishes Chayil knows that marriage is a most beautiful gift from Hashem. She also has the deep understanding that it is a process that must be nurtured and developed. Hashem created a tremendous joy when someone learns that they are pregnant. The start is exciting and enjoyable. However, this is followed by nine months of intense pain in the back, stomach, head, morning and afternoon sickness, stress, worry, and all sorts of painful feelings. Holding strong in these times develops feelings of love and affection for the baby inside and brings one closer to Hashem. The process of birth is the painful climax of the nine months that preceded, yet paradoxically, many women describe it as the most meaningful, inspirational, intimate moment in their lives. She held strong to her goal and now she has brought a beautiful life into the world. The inspiration and depth of accomplishment is hers to savor and experience. Marriage works the same way. When the couple works to maintain their love and appreciation for one another, they reach higher and deeper levels of connection and joy.

All good things work the same way. A goal is set and the inspiration comes. Then the challenges and difficulties set in. The wise person holds strong to their ideals and finds the inner strength and a support system with which to get through this. The end result is the acquisition of a new level and a profoundly real taste of success. This is what the Aishes Chayil teaches her family.


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