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Purim Somayach!!!

Posted by Rabbi Yehuda Spitz
March 19th, 2011
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by Daniel Freedman
Well its that time of year again
where we drink and join the party train
Yes, I know its exciting and filled with great cheer
When we rid ourselves of the inhibitions that have blocked us
throughout the year
But give some thought to these few words,
which I think will give you something more than just for the birds.

We celebrate the hand of G-d, a hidden hand no more,
With subtle hints in the Megillah we read twice for thats the law.
For Haman’s failed attempt to wipe us out
ended in his own demise that came about.

But take pause, and do contemplate, there is another that also tried
and failed in his attempt, but lived a ripe old age, for which no-one cried.
His Name: Achashveirosh, who was equally malicious in Haman’s exposé
Equally vicious?  why you do you malign? you may say.
But its true, the king’s mind was not on our side at all
and it is only Mordechai’s rescue that saved us from the fall.

Remember it is Achashveirosh that held the party,
with the relics from the Beis HaMikdash, that almost ended in tragedy
He was by no means a saint
and in fact could be likened to something like smelly paint.

What is the point, anyway you might digress?
I mean we won, and we’re here no less?
It is true we are here, for the valiant steps of individuals in times of despair
but its time we realize that WE need to care!

Mordechai and Esther, as great as they were, are no longer here,
to help us overturn decrees that have fallen on a deaf ear
But we are in a serious matzav, if you couldn’t quite tell
Financially speaking, many of us are not at all well
the world is going crazy, and in a few weeks, Egypt, Jordan and the like
have quite literally lost it, and have taken a hike.

The threat of Iran is much more severe, especially with a nuclear
program aimed at Israel,
Palestinian gunmen at our door, makes life interesting I must tell,
But these are symptoms of a deeper problem, as the case was with our
ancestors in Persia,
The tragedy came from a lack of sensitivity to who we are and what our
purpose is,
We forgot our mission, our focus, and came to a dangerous precipice
and now we aren’t so fortunate to have others to save us from this.
We have to rely on ourselves to make simple changes
and we pray that these might have a great impact for the future
Pray a few words to G-d, give a little charity, learn about Purim, say
a Psalm for the sick
and become more connected to your fellow Jew, give a friend a hug and
say I love you
to the people you care about.

Purim is not just a holiday for once a year,
But rather is a day that spreads throughout, good cheer
Good tidings is what we want, a failed plot, a killed despot
To see G-d’s hand in everything is the test for us all
Especially in trying times, when we’re in for a long haul
So my wish and blessing this Purim and time of gladness
Is that each and everyone of you is able to wipe away the sadness!

Freileche Purim!

The author can be reached at daniel@ohr.edu.

Categories: Inspiration, Living Purim Every Day, Moadim / Tekufos, Purim Tags:

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