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All Encompassing Love (Tzlafonis) – Letter Samach – The Aishes Chayil Style

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
June 7th, 2011
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This entry is part 36 of 36 in the series The Aishes Chayil Style

סדין עשתה ותמכר וחגור נתנה לכנעני.

“She makes a cloak and sells it; she delivers a belt to a merchant.”

The  cloak is a garment that wraps around one’s entire body. It represents the all-encompassing love and devotion that the Aishes Chayil stands for. Her husband and children feel her warm embrace and are inspired and feel secure when they think of her. Additionally, the Malbim points out that instead of the Aishes Chayil keeping the cloak for herself, she seeks a buyer to purchase her handiwork so that she can help support her household. This shows her great dedication and love.

The belt mentioned has two fascinating interpretations. Meiri states that it refers to dealing with the Yetzer Harah, the Evil Inclination, who seeks to destroy a person. A belt represents the idea of limitation and self-control, setting up fences and safeguards in order to steer clear of sin. Rashi states that it refers to the great reward that will be given to one who girds himself to help support the Torah Scholar who toils to understand and live the Torah.

The Midrash (Mishlei 31) states that this verse refers to Tzlafonis the mother of Shimshon who saved the Jewish people. When the angel told Shimshon’s parents that they would have a great child who would save the Jews, he stated that Shimshon was to be a Nazir for his entire life. Tzlafonis spoke up and asked the angel, “please tell us what we can do to raise him in purity and help him reach greatness.” The angel expressed to her the message from Hashem, “you two parents should act as if you are a Nazir right now by staying away from grape products and from becoming impure.” Tzlafonis and her husband took this strict law upon themselves and when Shimshon was born they helped nurture him to greatness. Tzlafonis was a mother with unlimited devotion, she was willing to live life with an unpleasant limitation in order to produce a son who would be great. Her selfless act earned her honorable mention twice in the verses about the Aishes Chayil. She appears here and also in the Letter  Mem alongside BasSheva. I believe that this is to show that even though she was not famous as being a prophetess or any one especially famous like all the other women here, her devotion and commitment to her family deserves the greatest recognition. Imagine how many unsung heroic mothers Klal Yisrael had and has. That is their true greatness and only Mashiach will reveal their love and dedication to all.


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