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Dedication and Loyalty – Letter Nun – Part 3 – The Aishes Chayil Style

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
June 3rd, 2011
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This entry is part 35 of 36 in the series The Aishes Chayil Style

נודע בשערים בעלה בשבתו עם זקני ארץ.

“Her husband is distinctive in the counsels, when he sits with the elders of the land.”

The Midrash (Mishlei 31) states that this verse was personified by Michal the daughter of Shaul who was married to David HaMelech. She used her great counsel in order to save her husband from death when Shaul sent his soldiers after him. What does this have to do with our verse?

David only merited to marry Michal when he slayed the great giant Golias. Shaul knew that anyone that would be able to kill Golias would need to be a Talmid Chacham of great stature and possess great merits. He therefore promised his daughter to anyone that was able to bring the Jews their salvation.

What is interesting to note is that Chazal say that one is responsible to honor his father-in-law. This is learned out by a verse that states that David HaMelech honored Shaul who was his father-in-law.

Even when Shaul became estranged from David and wished to have him killed, David maintained his love and respect for his father-in-law. Michal was placed in a tough situation. Her father was against her own husband, whose side should she take? Like a true and dedicated wife, she sided with David and gave him her full dedication and trust. Her devotion and love actually saved his life when he was almost caught and she helped him make a narrow escape.

Our verse talks of the great accomplishments that the Aishes Chayil’s husband is able to bring out. The secret is that these deeds only come about through the love, devotion and encouragement of his great wife. A woman’s main portion in Olam HaBaah comes from her support of her husband’s Torah. This propels him forward and helps the home become saturated in Torah, chessed and truth. I always say, “behind every successful man, is an encouraging and loving wife.” This is exactly what Michal did for David, she stood beside him and supported him. She was his number one fan and this is a reflection of her greatness. That is why Michal embodies the verse that talks about love, support, and encouragement.


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