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Family Ties – Parshas Korach 5771

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
June 23rd, 2011
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This entry is part 38 of 39 in the series Torah Sweets Volume 3

The opening verse (16:1) states that “Korach the son of Yitzhar, the son of Kehus, the son of Levi took.” What did he take? Rashi gives numerous explanations. Additionally, Yaakov Aveinu’s name is omitted from this genealogical listing because he davened that he be absent. What is this all about, whether or not Yaakov is mentioned, he is still Korach’s great-grandfather?

The answer expresses a most profound idea. Each family has talents and specialties. Parents grant certain natural temperaments and skills based on their creating and investing a part of themselves in their children. It is the power of a family’s vigor and capabilities. Korach utilized his great ancestral power and charisma and used it for the negative to gather followers for his rebellion against Hashem.

What did Korach take? He took his family powers with him. The verse reads, “Korach took, (his power of) Yitzhar, Kehus and Levi. This is why Yaakov wished to be omitted, he did not want Korach to take his sacred investment and use it against Moshe and Hashem.

On the flip side, one has the ability to connect with his family strengths. So much stress is given to the fact that we are descendants of Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov and Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah. Their genes are embedded into our psyche and empowers us to become sincere servants of Hashem. We can ask ourselves when will our actions be in line with the goal of our illustrious grandparents who dedicated themselves whole-heartedly to the honor and closeness with Hashem.


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