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Solid Stock (Elisheva) – Letter Ayin – Part 2 – The Aishes Chayil Style

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
June 23rd, 2011
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This entry is part 38 of 39 in the series The Aishes Chayil Style

עוז והדר לבושה ותשחק ליום אחרון.

“Strength and majesty are her dress; she joyfully laughs about the last day.”

The Midrash (Mishlei 31) states that this verse was embodied by Aharon HaKohen’s wife, the great Elisheva bas Aminadav. She witnessed four great things on one day. Her husband was the Kohen Gadol, her brother was a Nasi, her children were Kohanim and her brother-in-law (Moshe Rabbeinu) was the Jewish King (leader). The Midrash (Vayikah Rabba 20:2; Zevachim 102a) adds another factor, Elisheva was the grandmother of Pinchas who became a Kohen. She had a fulfilling and accomplished life that brought her much joy and nachas.

The Midrash adds the fact that Elisheva also had challenges in life. Her two oldest sons, Nadav and Avihu were punished with death when they brought an uncalled for fire offering before Hashem. Aharon and her worked hard to recognize that Hashem is the One that runs the world and they became great from the pain and challenge.

Chazal learn out an important lesson based on the first time that Elisheva is mentioned in the Torah. It states that Aharon married her and that she was the sister of Nachshon. Chazal (Bava Basra 110a) say that this teaches us that one who wishes to marry should check out the young lady’s family especially her brothers. The Steipler Goan explains that the point here is to check out those that had the most profound influence on the woman. Nowadays, this is not always here own family. Why is this learned from Elisheva, throughout the Torah many people got married and this could have been learned from them?

Elisheva had a beautiful and special life, but at the same time she also had a family tragedy that threatened to destroy their stability and happiness. It was only because of her great foundation in emunah and Avodas Hashem that she and Aharon were able to find the right perspective on their suffering and use the opportunity to draw even closer to Hashem. This is what our verse refers to when it says that the Aishes Chayil laughs on the last day. She knows how to look at life as a time to grow and is confident in her efforts to build a vibrant Jewish home. Elisheva embodied the quintessential wife who worked hard to keep her family happy and strong. She showed them how to live life to its fullest and to focus on the beauty of family and Avodas Hashem.


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