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The Oppurtunity of a Lifetime – Parshas Korach 5771

Posted by Binyomin Finkelstein
June 23rd, 2011
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Korach separated himself from the nation in order to claim a right to the priesthood (Rashi 16:1) The M’eam L’oez explains that when someone speaks gossip about another, the venomous slander can be accepted by the listener even if what is being said isn’t true.

One of the things that Korach claimed against Moshe was that he was guilty of stealing his wife. Even at first glance this sounds ludicrous. In order to continue, we will need to have some background knowledge: Moshe was a reincarnation of Hevel and Korach was a reincarnation Kayin. In the incident regarding the two brothers Kayin became jealous of his brothers offering being accepted while his wasn’t. This caused him to kill his sibling in cold blood.

We will not elaborate in depth being that it is beyond the scope of our subject. In order to procreate the world, each of them was born with a twin sister. These two girls went up to heaven. They then came back to earth many years later when Yisro and Pharaoh were walking in the fields of Egypt. After finding them they decided to take them in as their adopted children. Pharaoh named his daughter Basyah, while Yisro named his daughter Tzipporah. Tzipporah was the original wife of Hevel, and later became the wife of Moshe.

Korach claimed that since he as Kayin killed Hevel, he should have to marry his brothers wife through yibum. Therefore he claimed that Tzipporah was really his rightful wife through the Torah. It is quite obvious that if someone murders his brother the wife would not be interested in marriage; and chalitzah would be performed. In addition, the laws of marriage from one life do not apply to reincarnations! This is the extent to where gossip can lead people to.

However, Hashem gives everyone an opportunity to rectify their errors. Kayin was not an exception. The Rambam says in the laws of repentance that in order for a person to fully repent he must be in the same situation he was in when he sinned and overcome it. The reasoning for Kayin’s jealousy stemmed from offerings to Hashem. Korach was envious of Moshe and Aharon that they received priesthood and the right to bring the sacrificial offerings. We see from here that the incidents were related. They also happened to be standing on the same ground as they did in the beginning of time. The Mishnah in Avos lists ten things that were created twighlight erev shabbos. Among them was the mouth of the earth. When Hashem punished Kayin for his sin he said “cursed are you from the earth that opened its mouth to receive the blood of your brother” (Beraishis 4:11).
In our Parsha when Korach is swallowed up, the same terminology is used: “The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, their houses, and all of their property”(Bamidbar 16:32). Korach failed in his chance to rectify his wrongdoing, and he became punished measure for measure. When Hashem asked Kayin about the sin he committed it says: “What have you done? The blood of your brother is screaming to me from the earth” (Beraishis 4:10). The midrash tells us that until this day you can hear Korach screaming beneath the mouth of the earth “Moshe is truthful, and his Torah is true”. Hashem aligned things to be set up exactly as they were in the beginning granting Kayin an opportunity to repent. When he failed his chance, he was punished with the same treatment he caused his brother. (Based on a shiur from R’ Z. Wallerstein)

The lessons to be learned from here are endless. The damage gossip can lead to is hard to fathom. Slander can damage a person in unimaginable ways. In addition we clearly see the most important lesson of all. Hashem gives us opportunities everyday. We are given the chance to rectify our wrongs, and set things straight. Every encounter should be seen as an opportunity. With the proper outlook we can really achieve true completeness.

Beyond the surface

A deeper look at Shabbos Zemiros:

Shalom Aleichem:  The Anaf Yosef quotes a question asked by the Yavetz: “Why do we say tzeschem leshalom your leaving should be in peace; shouldn’t they stay for the meal and add to their blessing”? He answers the question by saying we are afraid that maybe throughout the length of the meal something might occur that will cause them to leave in anger. Therefore we smartly send them before human error has the opportunity to enrage the heavenly guests.

Another two answers are given:  1) we are taking leave of the weekday angels, and welcoming the angels of shabbos. 2) The atmosphere at the shabbos table is so holy there is no room for angels. Rather Hashem himself manifests his presence among us. It is a special time for our father to spend time with his children. To be continued…….

Food for thought:

“Once the seeds of gossip are planted, there is no telling what will sprout up.”


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