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Epilogue 2: Warm Succos Shade – The Aishes Chayil Style

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
January 2nd, 2012
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This entry is part 56 of 57 in the series The Aishes Chayil Style

The Vilna Goan states that the verse of Letter Ayin refers to some of the Jewish holidays. “עוֹז וְהָדָר לְבוּשָׁהּ וַתִּשְֹחַק לְיוֹם אַחֲרוֹן, Strength and majesty are her dress; she joyfully laughs about the last day.” ‘Strength’ refers to Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur where Hashem’s power is shown and recognized in the world. ‘Hadar, majesty,’ refers to “Pri Etz Hadar, a beautiful Esrog fruit (Vayikara 23:40).” ‘She joyfully laughs about the last day’ refers to Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah a day of utter joy and “only happiness (Devarim 16:15).” What is going on here and why is it hinted to in the verses about the Woman of Valor?

Succos is the culmination of the Yamim NoRa’im and the Jewish New Year. Its purpose is to help incubate and concretize all of the beautiful inspiration that we picked up throughout Elul and Tishrei.  By going into the Succah we put our faith into action and remember how Hashem took care of the Jews in the desert by means of His clouds of glory and fire. Succos is a time of introspection and deepening of our commitment to serve Hashem properly. Anything that we do inside the Succah becomes a Mitzvah. When we eat, sleep, spend time with friends and family under the Succah shade, we have fulfilled a positive Torah command with ease. This is amazing. We learn that all of our actions can be elevated and done for the sake of Heaven. When we sleep so that we will be healthy and eat with a thought about taking care of our bodies so that we can serve Hashem with vigor, we have elevated the mundane world to its true spiritual purpose (See Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 231). Succos teaches us just how to do this. When we contemplate the lesson of Succos we are inspired and recognize that Hashem has given us a most beautiful and special opportunity to transform every moment of our lives into eternity and connection to Him. We burst forth with joyous singing and reach the stage of “only happiness” of Simchas Torah.

The Aishes Chayil lives life with this focus and deep recognition. She teaches her children how to elevate the mundane. She shows them by example how to daven and how to make Berachos. When she says Birchas HaMazone she elevates the entire meal to a feast and banquet with Hashem as the Guest of Honor. She thanks Him for all of her blessings that he gave her. This is why Succos and Simchas Torah are hinted to specifically in this verse. The Aishes Chayil lives life with a focus on spirituality and thus can laugh with ease at her final day. She knows that she has elevated her life and her actions to be in line with the Will of Hashem. She has built a year-round Succah where the warm of Torah and Mitzvos and the joy of spiritual growth are contagious.


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