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To Give Of Oneself – Parshas Vayakhel / Pekudei 5772

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
March 11th, 2012
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This entry is part 18 of 18 in the series Torah Sweets Volume 4

In building the Mishkan, the Jews including men, women and children contributed their gold, silver and precious materials with tremendous gusto and enthusiasm. They gave so much that Moshe had to tell them that they had enough materials and no longer needed any more. The verse describes the fact that the women made generous contributions (Shemos 35:22). Targum Onkolos explains that the women came to the Mishkan collection area wearing their jewelry and adornments and only there did they remove their earrings, bracelets and ornaments in order to donate them to the Mishkan. Why did they do it this way, should they not have simply taken them off at home and brought it by hand to the Mishkan?

Their Message

Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt”l (1895-1986) explains that the women wished to show that although the jewelry had great value to them, it was more important for them to donate it to the House of Hashem. Had they simply brought it in hand, one could think that they were donating pieces that they no longer cared about or had any use for. Therefore, in order to show just how precious Mitzvos are and how dear to them was the building of the Mishkan, they specifically wore the jewelry on themselves and only parted with it when they arrived. This was a deep expression of their great love for Hashem.

Practical Application

Reb Moshe continues this point further. He says that this type of donation and giving is exactly what is most precious in the eyes of Hashem. When we give the things that are most precious to us, we show how much more important and vital the Torah is to us. Reb Moshe says that although one has a responsibility to work and support his family and this certainly can occupy one’s entire day and night, never-the-less, when one gives up his precious time to study the holy Torah, this is most precious in Hashem’s eyes. When one dedicates a portion of his most precious commodity of time to spend quality time with his wife and children, this is the ultimate expression of love and care.

To Share and Give

We share our most special commodities with Hashem and with our families. This is the way of the Torah and Mitzvos. When we give of ourselves, we express the deepest and most meaningful love towards the things that are truly most important in life.


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