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Psalm 11: Life Tests – Tehillim Themes

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
May 29th, 2012
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This entry is part 16 of 67 in the series Tehillim Themes

Although the commentators dispute the precise life event which inspired this psalm (see Rashi and Meiri), all agree on its powerful theme. David’s enemies denied the fact that Hashem watches over each individual person and protects him if Hashem sees this to be fit. David responds with strong resolve and unshakable faith.

Blessed Are You

There is a famous quip said over in the name of Rabbi Yisrael Salanter zt”l (1810 – 1883). Rabbi Salanter stated that when opening up a blessing, we say, “Baruch Atah, blessed are You [Hashem].” There is a heated debate in the works of the Rishonim (Rashba, Rabbeinu Bechaya and others) about the precise meaning of the word “Baruch” and how it can be used in the context of Hashem. Although many argue about what the word “Baruch” means, concluded Rabbi Salanter, all agree about the meaning of “Ata Hashem, You God!” When we make a beracha the goal is to get closer to Hashem and to recognize His guidance.

It is the same regarding this psalm. Many dispute the exact circumstances which inspired its authorship; however, its lesson remains undisputed. David teaches us to trust and connect with Hashem in the most intimate way possible. David proclaims his full reliance and trust in Hashem.

Tests in Life

“Hashem tests the righteous (verse 5).” The Ramban states that the reason that Hashem tests us is not to see whether or not we will pass. The reason for tests is to help us bring out our dormant greatness. When we are challenged to live and to practice what we know in our hearts, it brings out our reliance and connection with Hashem in a most intimate, clear and powerful way. Why does Hashem do this? “Hashem love the righteous (verse 7).” This is the greatest gift and opportunity. Hashem places us in the arena of challenge in order to make us great.

Tests draw us closer to Hashem and force us to practice what we believe. Under the stress of a test our true colors shine forth, for better or worse. How many people do we know who went through a turbulent time in life and came out a different person. We must work hard to ensure that our hearts are committed to Hashem so that we can echo David’s words with deep recognition that Hashem loves us and wants us to be great.


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