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Psalm 8: Finding Godliness – Tehillim Themes

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
May 8th, 2012
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This entry is part 13 of 67 in the series Tehillim Themes

King David expressed the importance of contemplating Hashem’s wondrous world. He says that when one looks at the heavens one recognizes Hashem’s Power and Greatness and the frail nature of man (see verse 4-5). Rambam (Yesodei HaTorah 2:2) applies these words as a recommendation that one should first study Torah and then study nature as well. This will lead to the greatest appreciation and love of Hashem.

Celebration of Torah

This Psalm is sung about the Aron Kodesh which was brought from Oved Edom’s home to be established in the Beis HaMikdash (verse 1). David danced and celebrated with all his strength (see II Samuel 6). Here he exclaimed his excitement and passion for Hashem. It is most apropos that the Vilna Goan states that this psalm is the Song of the Day for Simchas Torah (Maaseh Rav 234). Indeed, it expresses a most excited and inspired worldview espoused by David.

The Torah Outlook

David teaches us how to view life. Every situation and everything that we see, hear and learn is an opportunity to draw upon a deeper understanding and appreciation of Hashem. David states that Hashem’s Greatness is established by viewing the process of birth (verse 3). The miracle of pregnancy, carrying a developing fetus, birth and beyond, no words can describe the brilliance and beauty of the process which Hashem carries out.


David concludes with a deep recognition of how frail and weak man is (verse 5). However, he qualifies his statement with a most important understanding. As weak and meager that man is, there is Godliness in each person as well. Through the advent of the neshamah, illustrious soul, Hashem make man “only a little less than angels (verse 6).” Man is crowned with honor and beauty (verse 6); his soul helps him live an elevated life of spirituality and true richness. David teaches us how to live a happy life with a focus on spirituality and our Godly connection.


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