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Psalm 16: How To Enjoy Life – Tehillim Themes

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
July 4th, 2012
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This entry is part 21 of 67 in the series Tehillim Themes

This Dvar Torah is sponsored for a refuah shlaima for the author’s dear grandparents: Chava bas Leah Rivka and Dov ben Chaya who are both in great need of rachmei shamayim.
Please take a moment to learn, daven, say tehillim for them and have them in your prayers. Thank you.

Humility was something that epitomized King David. Throughout his life he had many opportunities to take credit and honor for himself. He could have been filled with pride about all that he did. Yet this was not his way. He always acknowledged Hashem’s great presence and hand in all of the fortune that came his way. In fact, when David was chosen to become king his response was to prostrate himself before Hashem and proclaim, “Hashem, I have done nothing worthy, all that I have accomplished is entirely through Your doing (Tannah D’Bei Eliyahu 18).”


When someone is humble, he is afforded the opportunity to enjoy life. Instead of being stressed out about the things that one expects and wanted, he is free to enjoy what he has. Life is filled with frustration and disappointment for one that is haughty and demanding. A humble person does not see himself deserving of everything that his heart desires. Rather, he sees himself as possessing everything that Hashem desires for him to have. This is how David lived his life (verse 6). With this attitude, David was happy and content as well as confident that great reward and pleasure awaited him in the World to Come (verse 11).

You Guide Me

David stated (verse 5), “Hashem is my allotted portion and my share; You guide my destiny.” David walked with confidence knowing that Hashem was aware of his every need and that Hashem was the One that answered his requests. David lived a hard and challenging life, however, he achieved tremendous freedom and joy with his deep faith in Hashem and connection to Him. David understood that Hashem was caring for him. He thus was able to enjoy the great gifts of Hashem each and every day. This is why David burst forth with the beautiful songs and praises throughout Tehillim.

In Practice

So many times in life we are filled with doubts and questions. Where should one go, what should one do, how should we react? When we know that Hashem is on our side and rooting for us, this provides the greatest sense of security and conviction possible. We ask our questions to the great leaders of the Jewish nation and we strive to make sure that we are following the path of the Torah. As soon as the course of action is determined, we go with confidence knowing that we are fulfilling the Will of Hashem. Hashem, our Dear Father will take good care of us and He will provide us with all that we need. He will bring us the greatest care and happiness available to mankind (verse 11).


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