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Psalm 21: Perspective on Redemption – Tehillim Themes

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
August 5th, 2012
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This entry is part 26 of 67 in the series Tehillim Themes

David is intricately related to the Messiah, the future redeemer of the Jews. We noted in the Introduction (number 3) to this series that the name of Adam in Hebrew is spelled Alef-Daled-Mem. These three letters stand for the three souls of the Messiah which lived through Adam, David and Mashiach. This psalm is about that theme.


This psalm is one that discusses the shared life challenges that David and the Messiah share. Both were tormented by enemies. David was bothered by those that hated him and would pester him about the incident with Batsheva (Rashi). Mashiach will be tormented by Gog and Magog (Radak). Finally, the time of redemption will arrive and the greatness of the king will be seen. What is the secret to King David and King Messiah’s success? Verse 8 expresses it: “…the king trusts in Hashem and His unending Kindness.” David lived his life connected with Hashem and in contemplation of Hashem’s kindness towards him and towards the world in general. David rejoiced at the experience of living life connected to Hashem. All of his challenges paled with his perspective on Hashem’s ultimate plan for him.

Source of Blessing

How did David achieve this perspective? Verse 5 states, “He asked Hashem for life…” David and Mashiach do not take life for granted. David saw suffering and death. Messiah will watch Mashiach ben Yosef stand up before him and be slain after accomplishing his mission (See Sukkah 52a). Life is not a given. Both David and Mashiach live with a deep understanding that Hashem is the provider of life. It is this perspective that empowers one to lead a more productive and fulfilling life. May me merit to fulfill David’s parting words (verse 14), “to sing the praise of Hashem” speedily in our days.


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