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Psalm 31: David’s Feats – Tehillim Themes

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
October 22nd, 2012
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This entry is part 37 of 38 in the series Tehillim Themes

David was fleeing from Saul when he composed this psalm. Many of the verses hint to the numerous times that David found himself being relentlessly pursued by Saul. Many of the events were near death brushes as David was betrayed by members of other cities who told Saul about his whereabouts. David learned that only Hashem could protect him as he saw time and again that Hashem miraculously orchestrated his narrow escape. This psalm is a tribute to Hashem’s salvation of David from all sorts of close calls.

Hashem’s Protection

In beautiful poetic language David expresses his total trust in Hashem alone. “Hashem is my rock and fortress (verse 4).” This refers to the fact that Hashem gave David the ability to fight against his enemies via rock and the protection to be saved from their attacks via a fortress. David expressed the fact that both his offence and defense would be worthless if not for the fact that Hashem was behind them.

In Your Hands

The modeh ani, I thank You Hashem, prayer is inspired from this psalm. “In Your Hand I entrust my spirit.” Every night David would go to sleep relying on Hashem to take his neshama, soul, up to heaven, restore his strength and return his soul in the morning as the Zohar explains this phrase. David knew that it was Hashem who gives life and rejuvenation.

What’s So Great?

It is easy for us to hear the praises that David sang to Hashem and to think that a great King of Israel certainly had what to sing about to Hashem. Why, if I were a king then I would also praise Hashem and be grateful to Him. What was David’s great feat?

David’s Feats

The greatness of David is twofold. Firstly, many of these verses, including this one, were written before David was king. In fact, he had been anointed as king, but then Saul and many others had tried so hard to execute David that it looked as if David would never reign. Instead of giving up hope, David sang his trust and praise of Hashem in the most trying and dark of all times. In each of our personal lives we have times of light and times of darkness and challenges. When tests come our way, this is the greatest opportunity for us to express our full trust and commitment to Hashem. Each one of us is promised a great reward for our keeping the Torah and mitzvos, commandments. We must never lose sight of the great rewards that lay in store for us in the future world and in this world as well. David expressed his full confidence and reliance in Hashem in the most dark of all times.

Secondly, even when David became a rich and powerful ruler, he did not let his ego distract him away from reality. David recalled every day that his power and rulership was a gift from Hashem. David continued to sing the praises of Hashem and worked on becoming even greater of a servant and follower of Hashem. David used his position of power to advance kavod shamayim, the glory of God, and composed soul-stirring melodies that ring in the hearts and ears of those who wish to achieve closeness to Hashem. That is a tip of the iceberg of David’s greatness.


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