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Psalm 40: Life Perspective – Tehillim Themes

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
December 27th, 2012
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This entry is part 46 of 67 in the series Tehillim Themes

This previous psalm was an expression of David’s anguish and calling out to Hashem to heal him from his illness. This psalm is now a joyous melody thanking Hashem for healing him. Often in life we call to Hashem for help. When we receive His salvation we strive to give Him thanks and appreciation. What situation was David in when he composed this psalm?

New Song

This psalm is meant to be different than the others. It is etched in faith, joy and jubilation. Verse 4 proclaims that this is a ‘new song’. When reading the first 12 verses we experience David’s excitement and sense of connection with Hashem. One would think that David was sitting securely on his throne and in a state of perfect tranquility. This was not the case as is evident from the concluding verses of the psalm. David describes his challenges and personal dangers. How was David able to pain such a bright picture while in reality in a most dark situation?

True Happiness

The answer to this question is well known and an axiom of life. It is something that everyone knows regardless of religion background or upbringing. It is the fact that life is fraught with personal challenges and using the power of one’s mind one can focus on all of the good and learn to enjoy the sweet and sometimes small joys of life. Everyone knows this idea and the Torah teaches us how to do it. The entire book of Psalms is David’s expression of how to carry this out. David celebrated life and his closeness to Hashem. David recognized the kindness that was bestowed upon him and he passionately and deeply appreciated everything that he was given. When David was in trouble, he cried to Hashem for help from the depths of his heart. When David was saved, or had a reason to rejoice, he would sing thanks to Hashem with great emotion and jubilation.


David states (verse 6), “None can compare to You [Hashem].” David recognized that in all of the turbulence of life, there is one gold standard: connection to Hashem. There is nothing more important than spirituality and personal growth. David rejoiced in his life and in his quest for self-perfection. He saw each situation as another rung in his personal development. This was what allowed him to rejoice when he saw Hashem’s helping hand.


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