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Who is Responsible? – Parshas Mikeitz 5773

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
December 11th, 2012
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This entry is part 11 of 34 in the series Torah Themes Volume 5

The sale of Yosef down to Egypt is something that is most difficult to understand as we read through the parshios this time of year. We are talking about the great twelve great tribe leaders of Israel who were pure tzaddikim, righteous men. We find in Chazal that they were punished for their actions many generations later. The Ten Martyrs were killed on account of the balance of this sin. This is one major question that begs to be asked: How does the number 10 come to be the representation of those to blame when only 9 brothers sold Yosef?

The Punishment

Various sources (Yom Kippur and Tisha B’Av machzor) tell us that the Roman king and government announced that no punishment was ever given to the brothers for their sale of Yosef in which they had bought shoes with the money. They filled up the palace with shoes and summoned a number of rabbis to be executed. The Romans stated that the Torah itself says that one who kidnaps and is caught is to be executed. The rabbis inquired of Heaven about the nature of the decree and were told that either ten of the greatest rabbis would be killed or thousands of Jews would be taken instead. The rabbis accepted the decree and some of the greatest rabbis the world ever saw were executed. This took place over the course of many years and in the end ten rabbis were killed: Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel, Rabbi Yismael Kohen Gadol, Rabbi Akiva ben Yosef, Rabbi Yehuda ben Bava, Yisheivav HaSofer, Rabbi Chaninah ben Teradyon, Rabbi Eliezer ben Dama, Rabbi Chanina ben Chachinia, Chutzpis HaMiturgiman and Rabbi Eliezer ben Shamu (Rabbienu Bechaya, there are other sources and some disputed details).

The Question

We cannot fathom neither the brother’s actions nor the result of the Ten Martyrs’ deaths, we can simply try to learn the lessons being taught here. The bomb question on this all is that there were 12 brothers in total, however, not all of them were involved with the sale. Yosef was the victim, Binyomin, his brother was not present, and nor was Reuven, who in fact tried to save Yosef. This means that at most 9 people were responsible? How did it come to be that 10 Martyrs were required?

Three Answers

Rabbeinu Bechaya asks this question and he states that the 10th culprit was Yosef himself. Yosef told over his dreams to his brothers and was involved in the animosity between them and thus he also required forgiveness. We see from this just how careful we must be to distance ourselves from a fight. The Shlah explains that Reuven was a culprit as well. Reuven should have pulled Yosef out of the pit and brought him home to his father. Even though Reuven initiated the saving process and spared Yosef from death, he was still accountable because of the fact that he did not finish his job. Rabbeinu Bechaya suggests that Reuven can perhaps be the missing culprit but not on account of the sale. Reuven had sinned with the incident involving Bilha and thus needed forgiveness for this.

The Arizal states that neither Yosef nor Reuven needed forgiveness. The brothers determined that Yosef was trying to push them off and kick them out of the Jewish nation. They viewed him as one trying to kill them, but they needed ten judges in order to decide that Yosef deserved to be removed from among them. Since they were only 9 as Reuven, Binyomin and Yosef were excluded, they included Hashem so to speak in a prophetic manner as part of their vote of ten. Thus, Hashem Himself so to speak wished to achieve a forgiveness. This was brought about by Rebbe Akiva who died uttering the words, “Shema… Hashem is One.” The Ten Martyrs achieved a great advancement in bring Mashiach closer and restoring peace in the nation.


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