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Psalm 62: Real Strength and Wealth – Tehillim Themes

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
June 19th, 2013
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This entry is part 67 of 67 in the series Tehillim Themes

In this psalm David expressed his thoughts against his enemies who had power based on their strength and wealth. David states that these facets are fleeting and absolutely worthless when abused. They have no intrinsic worth or value. One’s might or wealth can never outdo the Will of Hashem. David’s life was fraught with pursuit and danger, leaving David often on the run and in fear for his life. But David prevailed and used the experience as one by which to draw closer to Hashem and to strengthen his faith in a most practical and relevant way.

National Level

The Jewish nation, represented by David, also experiences much abuse and threats from the surrounding nations of the world. The Jewish nation turns toward Hashem for salvation and hope and knows that there is no other place to turn to. David expresses (verse 13) the fact that ultimately justice will prevail and each person will receive his due judgment or reward. What is interesting is that David uses the work “chesed, kindness” to describe Hashem’s reward given to those who deserve it. If it is deserved, then why is it referred to as generosity and kindness?


David’s word choice expresses his life view and mantra. David did not see himself as owed anything by Hashem. David saw the kindness of Hashem throughout his daily life and made a conscience effort to thank Hashem and to sing His praise. This elevated David’s life and enhanced his ability to enjoy life. It also served to inspire David to accomplish great feats in learning and leadership all for the sake of serving Hashem (Talmud Berachos). David did not demand things from Hashem and thus he was left with much to be grateful about and little to be bitter and expectant for. David’s life was filled with great surprises of food, air, vitality and the beautiful world around him. David taught the nation what is most important. Any reward that David received from Hashem was seen as chesed, the greatest kindness.


This is why David was the real warrior or Hashem and a truly rich man. David did not get distracted by outward appearances. In fact, when Shmuel HaNavi came to anoint the future Jewish king he looked at David and figured that such a short and simple person would not be the future king. But Hashem told Shmuel that he was mistaken, this modest shepherd boy had all that it would take to lead the Jewish nation. He would be the sweet singer of Israel whose melodies would guide the nation through celebration and hardship until the end of days.


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