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Psalm 63: Enjoying Life – Tehillim Themes

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
July 12th, 2013
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This entry is part 68 of 69 in the series Tehillim Themes

As David ran from his pursuers he found himself stranded in the Judean desert. David was surrounded by Shaul’s army. Suddenly, David was overtaken by a debilitating thirst that terribly distracted him. David conjured up his spiritual strength in order to take the focus off of physically and to concentrate on strengthening his belief in Hashem’s salvation. David’s thirst thus switched into a spiritual awakening in which he felt drawn to closeness with Hashem. David of course ended up being saved from the great danger. What was his secret of success?

David states (verse 4), “For better is your kindness than life itself.” What does this mean? Targum explains that this verse is referring to the world to come. David was stating that life is for the purpose of bringing one to the ultimate reward in the world to come to experience Hashem’s unlimited kindness. Metzudos David interprets it to refer to the purpose of life which is to understand and experience Hashem’s kindness. What does this mean?

Important Question

There is a fundamental question that needs to be answered and that is: Why did Hashem create the world? For what purpose does he need or want us to exist? Ramchal explains numerous important ideas when addressing this question. The first lesson is that Hashem created man to give him the opportunity to achieve perfection, pleasure and the ultimate reward and enjoyment of closeness to Hashem. He wanted man to be able to be the owner of his own success by the sweat of his own brow. The only true way for one to enjoy something is for him to be the owner and creator of that success. When man works hard and earns his lot in the world to come, he achieves the deepest and most satisfying pleasure knowing that he brought good upon himself.

Ramchal continues that Hashem also created the world for the purpose of revealing His Name and attributes (in a manner humans can fathom with their limited level of understanding). He hid Himself under a veil of secrecy and slight distance. This allowed for the deniers to exist and for those who work towards truth to seek and find Him. The greater the darkness in this world, the more ultimate revelation is possible when Hashem’s power is revealed (Daas Tevunos).

David’s Life

David lived his life to the deep connection with Hashem. David realized that as difficult as his challenges were, everyday he was working to get closer to Hashem. Every day was an opportunity to build himself as a successful person. With this perspective David was able to sing and appreciate Hashem’s Kindness and providence. David learned how to enjoy life despite the greatest challenges.


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