Home > Parshas Bechukosai, Parshas Behar > Resting Land, Stirring Soul – Parshas Behar/ Bechukosai 5770

Resting Land, Stirring Soul – Parshas Behar/ Bechukosai 5770

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
May 7, 2010 - כ"ד אייר ה' תש"ע
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Parshas Behar discusses the resting of the land, once every seven years and once every fifty years. I have always had the question of, what is the difference between Shmitah (the sabbatical year) and Yovel (the jubilee)? What is the lesson?

The Radvaz writes that the secret of Shmitah is that it represents “nullifying physicality” and Yovel is “nullifying the Ego”. Allow me to elaborate my take on this…

We live in a world that is physical and thus distracts us from spirituality. We strive to connect to Hashem and realize that His Will is the only reality and worthwhile pursuit. When one works hard to produce his livelihood, he can easily forget that it is Hashem who is truly providing for him. Shmitah asks one to rest from the land. Do not work or sell your produce. For people whose sole income came from their fields, this was the ultimate test of faith. Hashem promised that those that ceased to do business would be supported and provided for by Hashem. Hence, by stopping work, one showed that he was able to appreciate that his property and the world was null and void compared to Hashem’s request.

Yovel was even more difficult and telling. With every seven years being Shmitah, that makes year forty-nine Shmitah, followed immediately by Yovel in the fiftieth year! Two years in a row without planing, harvesting or business! This was the supreme test of faith! This separated the men from the boys. Does one really believe that Hashem is the only provider? Hence, Yovel was the nullification of all personal feelings and agendas and the full subjugation to Hashem. The ego was tamed and curtailed. Man subjugated himself fully to Hashem.

In truth, both Shmitah and Yovel serve to build Emunah, but they are successive levels. Shmitah is stage one and Yovel is even deeper and personal. In life there are always two stages, Chachmah, learning new raw knowledge and after that comes Binah, contemplating and making the knowledge a part of us. Shmitah is the knowledge that Hashem owns the world. Yovel is the most powerful deepening and application of this. First, nullification of material possessions and next nullification of the ego, the deepest recognition.

When the Kallah circles the Chosson seven times and they get married, this is exactly what’s happening. The seven circles represent Shmitah (7th year) and express an exclusiveness and nullification of the surroundings, there is nothing outside of us. Next, he marries her with a deceleration and ring. Marriage represents his connection to the woman, Binah (there are 50 Gates of Understanding!), and the nullification of personal egos with the goal of unifying and becoming one by connecting with Hashem….

Indeed, Yovel no longer applies nowadays, but the lesson and growth is available to be appreciated and lived.


Parshas Bechukosai, Parshas Behar

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