Home > Parshas Bamidbar > Solid Start – Parshas Bamidbar 5770

Solid Start – Parshas Bamidbar 5770

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
May 14, 2010 - ב' סיון ה' תש"ע
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In counting the Jews, the Levi’im were counted from age one month and on. The Torah considers the Levi to be one who performs the service of Hashem from the youngest age!

Reb Moshe Feinstein points out that this is a lesson for our Chinuch, Torah education. The Levi is one who dedicates his life to Torah, as the Rambam writes that Levi represents the people whose life was totally entrusted in Hashem’s hands. They were the Torah leaders of Klal Yisrael. Rambam continues that any person who accepts upon himself to live as a Levi is capable of doing so and Hashem will take great care of him as well.

Reb Moshe says that we see the importance of Chinuch from the youngest age. One should not exclude a child from Torah study stating that he is too young! One should recognize that our young children are highly influenced and moved by watching our actions and attitudes towards Yiddishkeit.

Indeed, studies have indicated that children, even as young infants are able to pick up things and learn powerful scripting lessons from their surroundings.

No thought on this topic would not be complete without a most important clarification: It is never too late! Avraham Aveinu got his Bris at age ninety-nine so that no one should ever say, “I’m too old to change!”

Rabbi Avi Shulman states, people tell me that they can’t change because, ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’. My response is to recognize that we are humans, not ‘dogs’, and Torah, Mitzvos and Emunah aren’t ‘tricks’, they are fulfilling life goals!

May we merit to internalize the beauty of Torah and Mitzvos at any age that we chose to open our hearts and minds!


Parshas Bamidbar

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