Home > Parshas Beha'aloscha > Eating Styles – Parshas Beha’aloscha 5770

Eating Styles – Parshas Beha’aloscha 5770

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
May 28, 2010 - ט"ז סיון ה' תש"ע
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The manna is discussed in this week’s Parsha. Chazal (Yuma 75b) state that the manna was eaten in three different forms. The righteous people ate it in bread form. The average people ate it as cake and the evil people ground it up into liquid form.

Though my comment here is allegorical, it may have some Halachic basis as well. I know people who avoid washing and eating bread for fear of having to bentch. The commitment and responsibility is too daunting. I’m told that the official name of the fear is “benching-phobia” They can only handle having to make an Al Hamichya. The lowest level would be one that can only handle making a Borey Nifashos.

The Sdei Chemed states that the Jews made the blessing, “HaYoraid Lechem Min HaShamayim, Hashem brings down bread from Heaven” before eating the manna. The Gemara (Berachos 48b) states that Moshe authored the first paragraph of Birchas HaMazone to be pronounced on the manna.

I suggest that the Tzadikkim ate it as bread without fear of bentching! The average folks ate it as cake only requiring Al Hamichya. The Risha’im could only handle a liquid which would only require a Borey Nifashos!


Parshas Beha'aloscha

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