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Her Identity: Introduction 2 – The Aishes Chayil Style

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
October 8th, 2010
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This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series The Aishes Chayil Style

Who is this mysterious woman? When we refer to Aishes Chayil we are quoting from Mishley, Proverbs (Chapter 31, verses 10-31). Shlomo HaMelech wrote this beautiful text as the conclusion of his book of Mishley. It was written with divine inspiration and thus contains true Torah depth.

Who is this song written in reference to? The simple understanding is that Shlomo concluded Mishley talking about his mother (verses 1-9 before Aishes Chayil begins). He stated how dedicated and loving she was and that her advice carried him through life. From there he began the poem of Aishes Chayil, singing her praises and that of all Jewish women.

Other Midrashim and Commentators state that Aishes Chayil refers to the following concepts:

The Shabbos Queen/ Klal Yisrael / The Body and Soul / Eretz Yisrael /Torah / Talmidei Chachomim

Suffice it to say that whatever lofty concept the poem refers to, there is a reason that its simple wording points towards the Jewish woman. She is the embodiment of holiness and greatness.

The Midrash (Socher Tov Mishley 31) states that each phrase refers to a unique and special woman from Jewish history (Sarah through Ruth). I will present this and explain how each verse personifies its specific woman.

A quick reading of the description of Batsheva’s words to Shlomo would make them appear rather pointed and harsh. However, a careful study of them reveals two concepts. The dedication of Shlomo’s mother, and the admonishment and directive for Shlomo to accept responsibility.

Batsheva told him that all of the wives of Dovid prayed that their sons should become King, but my prayer was just that you should grow up to be a true Talmid Chochom. Because her focus was on the true spiritual ideal, this was precisely the reason that Shlomo was chosen to be David’s successor. Sacrifice, care and dedication were part of his intrinsic being. Behind every successful man is an encouraging woman. King Shlomo pays tribute to the woman that first taught him how to truly fear Hashem and be a true Torah Mentsh.


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