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Giving Credit Where Credit’s Due

Posted by Yosef Tropper
February 2, 2009 - ט' שבט ה' תשס"ט
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This entry is part 3 of 13 in the series Living Purim Every Day

ויודע הדבר למרדכי ויגד לאסתר המלכה ותאמר אסתר למלך בשם מרדכי (אסתר ב:כב)

“Mordechai found out (about the assassination plot) and informed Esther the queen who reported the plans to the king in the name of Mordechai” (Esther 2:22).

There is a perplexing line in a Mishnah which needs much understanding.

The Mishnah in Avos (6:6) lists the forty-eight keys for acquiring Torah. The very last one is, “אומר דבר בשם אמרו, when quoting something not originating from your own self, be sure to credit the true producer”. The Mishnah states that this brings גאולה, redemption, to the world! The proof cited is our above quoted verse, “Esther informed the king in the name of Mordechai.”

Haman’s Downfall

Mordechai heard Bigson and Seresh plotting to poison the king. He immediately informed Esther of the plot and the king launched an investigation that ended with the verification of the scheme and their swift execution. At that time, it was recorded in the king’s chronicles for posterity. According to Esther’s statement, it had been Mordechai who had uncovered the plot and this was duly recorded. The event was well forgotten and Mordechai never got any recognition for it. Meanwhile, years later, the king was unable to sleep one night and requested that his records be read to him to review his royal affairs. He was thus reminded of what Mordechai had did for him and realized that he never rewarded him for it. It was at that moment that Haman the Evil arrived before the king to request permission to hang Mordechai. This enraged the king and thus began Haman’s downfall! Hence, it was because Esther stated the original report in the name of its’ true source that the framework for Haman’s destruction was laid!

Three Difficulties

There are three fundamental questions here.

Firstly, the idea is simple and understood, but why is it a key for acquiring Torah, it seems to be a key for functioning in society and not dominantly for Torah? It appears to be a very significant key as well because it is the final key listed and it is also the only key which has a scriptural source quoted to prove its’ importance?! How are we to understand this?

Secondly, what is the concept of ‘bringing redemption to the world’ and what does it have to do with acquiring Torah?!

Thirdly, why is this lesson intrinsically tied to Purim, it seems to be a mere detail of the entire event. Why is it that this law stems from Megillas Esther specifically? Even if you see it as a major point in the entire story, still, in Torah we must understand why each lesson was derived from where it is found?

Let us get to the depth of this Mishnah and thereby shed light on one of the most fundamental lessons of Purim!

Simple Steal!

Plagiarism is an easy crime. You heard or read something nice and now you repeat it or copy it and give yourself credit! As long as you are not caught, it is quite easy to get away with. After all, your name is on the work; your mouth expressed the ideas, so why should anyone suspect that you are not the genuine author! Only, it is not the truth! An honest person will give proper credit-citation! Yes, it looks like it is my idea, but I must tell you the true creator!

Torah Worldview

When we learn Torah, it is with the recognition that we are studying the wisdom of Hashem. How can we, physical creatures, understand the Great Hashem and His wisdom through our earthly toil?! The answer is that we can’t, and in truth we have no ability to do so! So how do people achieve understanding in Torah? The answer is that it is all a gift from Hashem! Hashem grants us wisdom as a gift in exchange and recognition for our efforts! Hence, we do not produce Torah ourselves, we receive the endowment of understanding from Hashem. This is a paramount principal regarding our study. We can easily deny Hashem’s assistance and state that we thought of things on our own, but this is plagiarism!

In truth, this idea applies to all areas in life as well. It covers our business endeavors and our every undertaking. Man puts in his effort to produce and God carries out and brings him success, if He so wills. This is how the entire world operates. Our job is to give Him the credit!

If a person tells over an idea of someone else and takes credit for it as if it were his own, he is denying truth. But he is doing much worse than that. He is compromising the entire construct of the world; he is missing the whole theme of reality! The entire goal of the universe is to give credit where it is due! This world is comprised of only Hashem’s bestowments and care; our job is to acknowledge it!

We have previously explained how God’s name is totally absent from the entire Book of Esther. This is to show that the entire greatness of the Jews was that they saw and credited how Hashem operated and controlled the world from behind a mask called ‘nature’. They saw the miracles of God throughout the entire Purim story while an outsider would call everything lucky natural chance! They knew Who was doing everything and they took it to heart!

Answer to Question 1: Its’ Relation To Torah

Now we can understand everything. The purpose of the world is to provide a battleground for freewill to allow man to either ignore or deny God and choose evil or to seek and find God and decide on good. Hashem is waiting to be found and acknowledged! This is what we Jews spend our lifetime proclaiming! “Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu…, there is a God who runs the world!” We give credit where it is truly due!

Indeed, this is the path enumerated in the Mishnah for how to acquire Torah. Torah is the ultimate truth and the climax of its’ lessons is the full appreciation of Hashem as Supreme King. This is why this key is given the most prominent focus in this Mishnah listing the keys for acquiring perfection!

Answer to Question 2: Bringing Redemption

The Geula which this key brings to the world is that of personal redemptions and a cumulative contribution that will eventually be large enough to bring the final and ultimate redemption. In all times in life when we give proper credit, we are strengthening our ability to recognize the True Source of everything! This recognition prompts salvations!

Answer to Question 3: Why From Purim

This is learned from Megillas Esther and heavily stressed for this is the essence of the entire lesson of Purim. The Jews were “Omer Davar B’Shaim Amro”. They gave credit to Hashem for all that He did for them under a potentially deniable cover. On the outside, plagiarism and denial were possible, but the Jews saw past those distractions and passionately clung to the true Source of their salvation. They acknowledged that all of their triumph was brought from Hashem!

This is the perspective of Purim which can be applied every day of our lives!

In line with the aforementioned concept, I would like to thank my dear friend Rabbi Chanoch Eliyahu Sofer Shlit”a for helping me think of and develop the above quoted ideas!

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