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In the Beginning…

Posted by Rabbi Dovid Boruch Kopel
November 12th, 2008
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As with everything there is a start, we don’t always know why, or when only that it is. The foundations of our emunah are based on the concept that all has been started for a purpose above our understanding. It’s start among all things in the World is complex and difficult, as the Chazal teach us, “kol haschalos kashos” meaning all beginnings are difficult. The great sage, the Chasam Sofer once noted that this is a din which means all that is considered a beginning is difficult, however what is determined as a “beginning” is more flexable and under your control.

This being my first “blog”, I want to begin by recognizing the difficulty it is to start anything at all. What I mean to say is not even to continue something but the pure beginning of it is difficult as well. That is possibly because you are treading on unfound territory, something new always creates hesitations and questions. The answers to these questions are not always found on the other side, as some things may become more vague and of course the opposite holds true as well. The more we know, the greater understanding of how little we know. That is of course seen in the remez that Amalek is gematriah the word sufek, which means that within every question of doubt is rooted an aspect of the power of Amalek. This doubt continues to haunt our People until this very day, grasping our deep connections to all that is false.

In a modern world, where doubt is more present than truth the great difficulties that we face day by day become covered with gloomy darkness. Seemingly endless, and without origin, we don’t know where to face. The only thing that we can know that is constant is the strong calling voice of the path before us. The shining light, the only truth, no questions there is only One truth. All your questions seem to fade away before it until you flinch and turn away. With the beginning a bit behind us, let us go a step ahead and walk one step closer to the light, on the Path of the Just. As the Chazal tell us the only thing one should fear is the Almighty himself, but never think that the fear should distance you from Him. Fear is only the pure reverance of his awesomeness, but full of an underlying Love that is endless.

It is my hope that as with everything in this World, all places full of tumah have a tremendous place to allow for kedushah and eminate our World. The Internet is one of those places, where one stroke of the keyboard can bring you to the worst gehaynum and that should never befall us. Of course, the opposite is always true, and can provide the greatest heights that are possible. Let all of us be zocheh to take all that Hashem has bestowed upon us and take it to the levels of kedushah that are in our grasp.

On that note, I hope to provide a small part of this effort and at least make a place where people like to express every belief in the World to bring some kedushah and emes in a place that is so vacant and empty. As for the content that I write, it is all Torah and its teachings, I can only write that which I know and can only know that which I have been granted to, so I hope to only give over words of wisdom that can inspire myself and anyone who they touch. The smallest things are always what makes the difference, as the whole World sits upon a tzaddik that is clear that he is composed of all his actions that made him into the pillar of Torah. That is to say, that the World stands on the mitzvos that make a person into a tzaddik is only logical because they are what makes him a tzaddik, a gadol is not born but grown. Everyone is given their task in this World, all special and dear to Hashem and half of that task is realizing what it is! To realize that every thing you see and do makes an affect upon you is the definition of such a realization. We all need to think about this from time to time, and that would be a tremendous thing.


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  1. itamar akamzadeh
    November 14th, 2008 at 14:15 | #1

    The only thing I want to say is that Reb Dovid Kopel is one of the great Talmidim of Reb Nochum Lansky Shlita and a lot of the things that he says is from him and I think that this mussar will be a chizuk for every person. and I hope that a lot of people will read this mussar.

    Itamar Akamzadeh.

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