
Posted by Yosef Tropper
February 17, 2009 - כ"ד שבט ה' תשס"ט
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Today’s Announcement: Final

We hope that you enjoyed this series which ran for the past month. For now it has ended, but after we assess your valuable input and feedback we will see be”H what the future has in store….

Yesterday’s Question: Name Change

Why is it that out of the three Avos, Avraham and Yisrael had their names changed (from Avram and Yaakov )but Yitzchok’s name remained without change?

Our Answer:

Because Hashem named Yitzchok!

The simplest explanation is that Hashem told Avraham to name him Yitzchok before he was born, thus the name never had to be changed! Whereas the other two Avos were named by their parents, so there was room for Hashem to improve their names later.

Another explanation is a change in name represents attaining perfection. Avraham’s name was changed when he was circumcised; Yaakov’s name was changed when he fought the Angel of Eisav. Yitzchok’s name in truth should’ve then been changed after the Akaida. But this was not necessary for his present name already expressed his perfection: “Keitz Chai” are the same letters as Yitzchok. This connotes perfection already through life and death (Akaida). Much more can be said…..

The Daily Question

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