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Archive for the ‘The Daily Question’ Category


Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 17th, 2009
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Today’s Announcement: Final

We hope that you enjoyed this series which ran for the past month. For now it has ended, but after we assess your valuable input and feedback we will see be”H what the future has in store….

Yesterday’s Question: Name Change

Why is it that out of the three Avos, Avraham and Yisrael had their names changed (from Avram and Yaakov )but Yitzchok’s name remained without change?

Our Answer:

Because Hashem named Yitzchok!

The simplest explanation is that Hashem told Avraham to name him Yitzchok before he was born, thus the name never had to be changed! Whereas the other two Avos were named by their parents, so there was room for Hashem to improve their names later.

Another explanation is a change in name represents attaining perfection. Avraham’s name was changed when he was circumcised; Yaakov’s name was changed when he fought the Angel of Eisav. Yitzchok’s name in truth should’ve then been changed after the Akaida. But this was not necessary for his present name already expressed his perfection: “Keitz Chai” are the same letters as Yitzchok. This connotes perfection already through life and death (Akaida). Much more can be said…..

Categories: The Daily Question Tags:

Name Change

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 16th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Name Change

Why is it that out of the three Avos, Avraham and Yisrael had their names changed (from Avram and Yaakov)but Yitzchok’s name remained without change?

Yesterday’s Question: Wednesday Blessing

Which Beracha, blessing, can only be recited on a Wednesday?

Our Answer:

Birchas HaChamah!

This unique Beracha (Osay Maaseh Berashis) is made every twenty-eight years on a Wednesday when the sun is found in the precise position that it was placed at the time that Hashem created the world. It will be recited this year on the morning of Erev Pesach on Wednesday April 8, 2009! You don’t want to miss it!

Categories: The Daily Question Tags:

Wednesday Blessing

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 15th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Wednesday Blessing

Which Beracha, blessing, can only be recited on a Wednesday?

Yesterday’s Question: Chapters in Our Law

How many chapters are there in total found in the Tur and Shulchan Aruch?

Our Answer:

The Torah Temimah in Mekor Baruch (Vol. 1, page 631) states that there are 1705 chapters found between all four sections of the Tur and Shulchan Aruch. He also points out the amazing fact the the numerical value of the names of the four sections (Orach Chaim, Yoreh Daya etc.) equals 1705 as well!

Categories: The Daily Question Tags:

Chapters in Our Law

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 13th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Chapters in Our Law

How many chapters are there in total found in the Tur and Shulchan Aruch?

Yesterday’s Question: Aishes Chayil

Why do many have the custom to sing Aishes Chayil (Mishley 31) on Shabbos night?

Our Answer:

For the Shabbos Queen! and a few other thoughts:

The Gemara Bava Kama (32b) refers to Shabbos as a bride and queen.

Shabbos is referred to as the mate of Klal Yisrael.

The wife worked hard to prepare the house for Shabbos by cooking, cleaning, and everything else, thus she deserves some thanks!

Shabbos is a time for Torah learning and some say that the song refers to our appreciation of Torah.

Categories: The Daily Question Tags:

Aishes Chayil

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 12th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Aishes Chayil

Why do many have the custom to sing Aishes Chayil (Mishley 31) on Shabbos night?

Yesterday’s Question: Avos and Ima’os Marriage Age

How old were each of the three Avos and four Ima’os when they got married?

Our Answer:

This is a tough one with many opinions.

The undisputable are:

Yitzchok- 40

Yaakov- 77

Here are the rest according to some sources:

Avraham- 25

Sarah- 15 (See Yalkut Shimoni Lech L’Cha 78 for both of them)

Rivka- 3 according to most. Others say 14 (Seder Olam, one version)

Rachel- 12 (Rabbeinu Bechaya) she died 14 years later (Yalkut Shimoni) at age 26.

Leah- 12 or slightly older than her sister Rachel. A minority view states that they were twins (Seder HaDoros).

Categories: The Daily Question Tags:

Avos and Ima’os Marriage Age

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 11th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Avos and Ima’os Marriage Age

How old were each of the three Avos and four Ima’os when they got married?

Yesterday’s Question: Beis HaMikdash Destroyer

Where does it say, “any generation that does not merit to bring the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash is considered to have destroyed it!”

Our Answer:

See Yerushalmi Yuma (5a).
One should not think that the event happened in the past. Rather, Hashem decided whether or not to allow the destruction to continue based on our actions! This brings new meaning to all of the fast days and mourning for the Beis HaMikdash throughout the year.

Categories: The Daily Question Tags:

Beis HaMikdash Destroyer

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 10th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Beis HaMikdash Destroyer

Where does it say, “any generation that does not merit to bring the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash is considered to have destroyed it!”

Yesterday’s Question: Always Something New

Where does it state, “there is no Beis Medrash that does not produce something new”?

Our Answer:

See Gemara Chagigah (3a).

Categories: The Daily Question Tags:

Always Something New

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 9th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Always Something New

Where does it state, “there is no Beis Medrash that does not produce something new”?

Yesterday’s Question: One Mock

Where does it say that “one sneering and mocking remark can knock off the effectiveness of one hundred rebukes!”

Our Answer:

There is no known source, but here are two ideas that are close!
1-See Shir HaShirim Rabba (1:21) “One scoffing remark pushes off one Torah thought correspondingly”. Also see Mesilas Yesharim (Chapter 5) and Sefer Chassidim (88).
2-Bava Metziya (31a) “Hochayach Tochiach, you shall surely rebuke your brother, even one hundred times!” And if he needs rebuke 101, then you should stop?! The Commentaries explain that this is just an expression that it should be done indefinitely!
Thus, I suggest that this is the intention of our above quoted quip. The number 100 represents the extreme of all collective rebuke possible. It is stating that if in one’s head there is mockery and scorn, then, any expressions of rebuke will have no affect on him, as his heart is closed. Only one who has respect will be able to succeed in developing his Middos!

Categories: The Daily Question Tags:

One Mock

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 8th, 2009
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Today’s Question: One Mock

Where does it say that “one sneering and mocking remark can knock off the effectiveness of one hundred rebukes!”

Yesterday’s Question: Wish Honored

Where does it say that by following what someone wants you are giving them honor?

Our Answer:

See Yerushalmi Peah (3b) “Ritzonah hu Kvodah. Also see Sefer Chassidim (157). When you head to someone’s desire you are treating them with respect.

Categories: The Daily Question Tags:

Wish Honored

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
February 6th, 2009
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Today’s Question: Wish Honored

Where does it say that by following what someone wants you are giving them honor?

Yesterday’s Question: Hashem’s Announcement

Who are three people whom Hashem announces their victory daily in Heaven?

Our Answer:

The Gemara Pesachim (113a) lists three people whom because of the difficulty of their challenge, Hashem announces their success in Heaven when they overcome their hardship.

  1. A single person who lives in the city and does not sin!

  2. A poor person who finds a lost object and returns it to its’ owner!

  3. A rich person who takes off Maaser from his fruits in private when no one else would know if he didn’t!

Categories: The Daily Question Tags: