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Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
August 3rd, 2009
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Many people think that Judaism purports the superiority of one gender over the other. This is absolutely false. We believe that each gender has their role and specialization. Just as some people are born with natural talents, the male and female respectively have their specific abilities.

It is only in the union of the two that the home becomes complete.

This idea is expressed by an amazing Gematria. The inner letters of both the word אשה, woman, and איש, man, are the same. They equal 180. This is to show that Judaism doesn’t favor one. Rather, on the outside each has different capabilities and missions, but as far as achieving the essence of our mission here of getting close to Hashem, they are both equal!


Categories: Sheva Brachos Torah Tags:

  1. shmuel
    January 4th, 2010 at 19:59 | #1

    please explian. which inner letters? add up to 180

    Reply to shmuel

  2. January 4th, 2010 at 23:13 | #2

    You are correct, my words are vague!

    The letters that spell איש(Man) are א-י-ש (alef-yud-shin).
    Each letter can be spelled out to its full expression. The letter א, is spelledא-ל-ף .

    Hence, the hidden part of א isל-ף . When one adds the hidden parts of the letters א-י-ש, you get 180!

    Reply to Yosef Tropper

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