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Her Royal Jewelry – Letter Mem – Part 1 – The Aishes Chayil Style

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
May 4th, 2011
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This entry is part 31 of 32 in the series The Aishes Chayil Style

מרבדים עשתה לה שש וארגמן לבושה.

“She made for herself luxurious bedspreads; linen and purple wool are her attire.”

The Aishes Chayil is a classy dresser who takes pride in her meticulous wardrobe. She designs bedspreads and clothing and enjoys wearing them. The Ralbag interprets the entire theme of Aishes Chayil to refer to a person who chooses to live life according to the Torah. He says that this verse extolls one who develops his or her character traits. He will wear them for all to see and will be given much honor and respect.

Malbim renders the word “marvadim” to refer to expensive jewelry. There are two points being stressed here, the first is that she has such trappings and the second is that it was given to her in most dignified way in which she felt that she deserved it (עשתה לה, she earned for herself). I believe that the explanation is as follows.

There are three comments that the great sage Rebbe Akiva made throughout the Talmud regarding marriage. Let us present them all together and gain a beautiful understanding of marital harmony.

1- Sotah 17a: Rebbe Akiva says that if a man and woman work together, they bring Hashem’s presence into their homes.

This is a magnificent goal; how does one accomplish this?

2- Nedarim 50a: Rebbe Akiva told his students, “שלי ושלכם שלה הוא, all that I have accomplished and all of your learning is all to the credit and in the merit of my dear wife, Rachel.” He appreciated and gave her acknowledgment for all that she did for him!

3- Also, we find (there): Rebbe Akiva promised to buy his wife jewelry when they would become rich!

These three statements summarize the way to treat one’s wife, with love, care, and respect! The final tie in is the Avos D’Rav Nosson (6:2) that states that Rebbe Akiva bought his wife the most expensive jewelry (A golden Yerushalayim adornment) which was fit for a princess. Rebbe Akiva’s married students saw this and complained to him stating that their wives were going to be jealous and they could not afford such a stunning piece! Rebbe Akiva responded, “my wife gave up everything for my sake so that our home could be adorned with Torah, I owe this to her.” Rebbe Akiva taught us the importance of giving jewelry to the Aishes Chayil in sincere appreciation for her greatness and love and support that helps build the Jewish home.


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