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Yosef HaTzaddik and Chanukah – Parshas Mikeitz and Chanukah 5771

Posted by Rabbi Yosef Tropper
November 30th, 2010
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This entry is part 10 of 40 in the series Torah Sweets Volume 3

After Yosef interpreted the dreams for Pharaoh, he was appointed to be second-in-command to lead Egypt in preparing for the famine. Yosef was named “Tzafnas (hidden things) Paneiach (he revealed)” by Pharaoh on account of his exposing the secret message of Pharaoh’s enigmatic dreams. The commentators ask that linguistically Yosef’s name should have been “Paneiach Tzafun, the revealer of what was hidden,” why was it reversed?

The Shlah HaKadosh writes that each Parsha connects to the time of the year in which it falls out. What then does Chanukah have to do with Parshas Mikeitz? I believe that one answer sheds light on all of this!

Yosef HaTzaddik was up for the biggest challenge of his life in Egypt. He was a healthy 17 year old when he was thrust into the house of Potifar and his master’s wife tried to get him to sin. Yosef had to conjure up all of his moral strength and resolve in order to fight off the temptation for one entire year. Even after that, Chazal tell us that Mrs. Potifar would come by the jail and offer to get Yosef out if he agreed to sin with her. Twelve years went by and Yosef stayed strong to his convictions. The Midrash (Bereishis Rabbah 90:3) says that in the merit of his princely achievement of self-control, he was rewarded accordingly by Hashem with rulership. Every part of him that did not sin got a royal reward. His body which he did not give to sin, was dressed in royal clothes. His mind that pushed away sin, was rewarded with wisdom and insight.

Yosef’s internal strength and efforts were what brought him to greatness. This is why his name stressed the idea of the hidden arena (Tzafnas, hidden). As the Chovos HaLevavos defines the study of personal growth, “Chachmas HaMatzpun, the personal development of  internal recognition.” Yosef’s name stressed his focus on the internal conviction to follow truth in a most deep and intimate way. Chazal (Moed Katan 16b) say that one who practices Torah in private, will be rewarded before all in public. It was because of Yosef’s internal conviction (Tzafnas, hidden) that he was granted public greatness (Paneiach, revealed).

The Jews at the time of Chanukah were wavering in their commitment to Hashem. Sources state that one third of the Jews were Hellenized and joined the Greek way of life to avoid persecution and to pursue hedonistic “pleasure.” It was only when the Jews came together and dedicated their hearts and lives to the service of Hashem, then they were granted a most impossible victory against their enemy. When they repossessed the Holy Temple, their first desire was to light up pure oil in the Menorah. This signifies the pure and untouchable internal passion of the Jews. The hidden lights of the truly committed Jewish Nation shined forth and the Jews expressed their conviction to the world. Once again, the hidden (love and dedication to Hashem) became revealed. May we too shine forth this Chanukah with our internal commitment to Hashem and to each other!!


Categories: Chanukah, Parshas Mikeitz Tags:

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